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Showing posts from December, 2019

Planning Around the Chaos

Good morning Friends! I hope that your holidays were fabulous this year, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. Happy Holidays. And now, we are 4 days out from New Years. The holidays are a strange time of year for me, and here’s why...they amplify the normal crazy of my life by like a thousand. Anybody else feeling that? Like there’s normal budgeting, and then there’s holiday budgeting. There’s normal meal planning, and then there’s holiday meal planing. Like for example, last week on Friday, I sat down to do my normal weekly meal plan, totally spacing on the fact that we were about to enter an insane holiday week. I forgot to buy potatoes for latkes (we celebrate Hanukkah). I forgot that we go out to Chinese food on Christmas Day, so I don’t need to meal plan that day. I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. And it’s okay. In response to my blog last week, I had a couple of comments from people who really want to meal plan but are struggling with the actual planning time or...

Practical Meal Planning for the Average Woman

Good morning! Well, afternoon now, by like 40 minutes, but still. It has been a hot minute since I have written anything- like a year, honestly. I have wanted to get back into blogging, but honestly I told myself so many lies about it to keep excusing it. You don’t have time, Ashley... seriously, yes I do. I have time to Netflix bing five episodes of Glee, but I don’t have time to write a few words on a piece of paper. But, you’re an irrelevant force in the universe. Nobody will want to hear or much less read what you have to say. You know what? That’s bull. Over the last two weeks or so, I have discovered some things that have really helped me to start my personal growth journey again, and one of the big things is learning to identify the lies and excuses you give for not reaching for the best version of yourself and reject them. So all that to say, Hi again! Ashley is back and in full force, whether or not anybody else freaking cares. A couple of days ago, I did a super long, a...