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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Forgotten Gift of Man

This is a little out of my norm to write about or even comment about, but, after hearing about a rather objectifying comment made recently, I feel the need to say something weighing heavily on my heart. The comment was made, "Why put a ring on it when I can get it for free."  Now as a woman, and a married woman, that comment is disgusting to me. My first response was shock and then anger and then deep sadness. Men have forgotten that they are not just the takers in the relationship- they have  a gift to give too.  Here's where it gets a little inappropriate for young eyes. Sex is a gift- a beautiful gift from God meant to be enjoyed with your spouse in the holy covenant of marriage. But we have cheapened sex so much that it has become the entire object rather than a beautiful facet of connection with our spouse. And beyond that, in sex becoming the object, the person is now merely the delivery device. But it doesn't have to be this way. Many blogs like this focus o...