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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Potter and the Clay

          Growing up, I was always fed that verse about how God is the potter and we are the clay, and He can make a willing vessel do wonderful and beautiful things. However, it was not until recently that the gravity of what it actually means to be clay dawned upon me.           To describe this, I have to associate it with a real life scenario that I am quite familiar with- mine and Daniel's story. Daniel is currently in San Fransisco, which means I am alone here in Texas with a lot of time on my hands. We get married in six days so you would think I would be swamped, but thanks to our planning skills, we are so close to done with planning that I really don't have anything left to do. Except think... So this morning I started to think back on the last blissful, beautiful nine months with my sweet soon-to-be husband... and all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks... that none of this would have happened without us being mol...

The Strength to Be

          The world of the millennial generation is chaos. There is always this need to do, to change, to go, to create, to produce, to always be moving. Our phones have gone from calling to doing everything we need at the tip of our fingers, and they are ever getting faster. Our attention spans have been shot down so far that we can't wait the five or ten minutes it takes to prepare a cheeseburger at a fast food joint without cocking an entitled attitude and attacking the restaurant with a bad review or making nasty comments on Facebook about your "bad service." We have become so wrapped up in all the things that we feel we have to do that we have forgotten how to interact with our fellow human beings. There is so much pressure on our generation to push above and beyond the last. We must climb to new heights, discover new things. We must "make a difference." But can we just be? Can we just sit for five minutes and not feel like we should be occupying our ...